yacht painters, boat carpenters, diesel mechanics, and electricians- Rockport, ME

Employer: Rockport Marine

Email Address: info@rockportmarine.com

Website: http://rockportmarine.com

Position Title: yacht painters, boat carpenters, diesel mechanics, and electricians

Compensation/Rate: commensurate with experience

Location: Rockport, ME

Position Summary:

Due to a recent resurgence in the building of custom wooden
yachts and a milestone project- the 95-foot Ouzel- Rockport Marine (RMI) is seeking to fill several
key positions in its growing crew of boatbuilders. Among these positions are yacht painters, boat
carpenters, diesel mechanics, and electricians. Other experienced individuals will be considered if
they are a good fit for the RMI team.
These positions are full-time and year-round. Full-time employees enjoy a comprehensive, robust
benefit package including health insurance, flexible scheduling, retirement, paid time off, and sick
leave. Interested (+ qualified) parties beyond the immediate geographical area may be considered
for a sign-on bonus to assist with moving expenses*.
Experience is required, and interested parties are encouraged to email RMI at
info@rockportmarine.com or download an employment application online. More details outlining
employee benefits can also be found on the Employment page of the RMI website at